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Articole, Stiri, Evenimente

Articol: TV channels are invaded by commercial spots for hair care products, watching them we all dream for a shinny, moisturized and healthy hair like the one of models performing in these commercials. But don't worry this dream can become true, if you respect few simple rules. Hair care...

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Happy hair, beautiful hair

Articol: Happy hair, beautiful hair

19 january 2011, articol adaugat la 19 january 2011, ora 19:34

TV channels are invaded by commercial spots for hair care products, watching them we all dream for a shinny, moisturized and healthy hair like the one of models performing in these commercials. But don't worry this dream can become true, if you respect few simple rules.

Hair care products used every day have a big impact on the health of our hair, so choose suitable cosmetics for your hair type: normal, greasy or dry.

Shampoos with low concentration of detergent and gentle smells are the most recommendable for daily usage, their soft formulas being non aggressive for the hair's structure. A good choice is using products for children because contain natural ingredients and have neutral PH.

A clean hair is beautiful hair so wash your hair as often as necessary; this is the best way to reduce the negative impact of polluting agents.
Apply shampoo twice, for better results, massage the scalp and rinse with warm water. Prevent damage of you hair by using hair conditioner every week. Apply it only on ends!

For more glow and color use shampoos with natural extract: chamomile extract is suitable for blonde hair, walnut for brown hair and cinnamon for dark hair. You can have a shinny and well behaved hair by adding in rinse water a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar. The lemon juice can be used as well for inhibiting the sebum glands.

Drying procedure is responsible mostly for damaging the hair, the intensive usage of hairdryer has negative effects on long term. Before using the dryer apply on hair a moisturizing thermo protective serum which will protect it against heat, weather conditions and UV radiations.
Try as much as possible to dry the hair naturally!

Is important to brush your hair at least twice a day for 5 minute, the result will be a stronger, thicker and shinier hair. Treat your hair with respect, be gentle with it, don't pull when brushing and use only brushes with natural hair.

If you want to look impeccable, damage ends of the hair are not accepted, trim them every month and you will observe that the hair grows faster and is healthier.

We are what we eat, eat healthy and you will be healthy and beautiful! Your hair makes no exception from this rule. Vegetables and fruits have an important role in daily diet and provide your body with necessary vitamins for nourishing your hair. Vitamins A and E help preventing hair loss are fortifying the roots and reduce stress damages.

But nothing works if you are unhappy, so the best advice of all is: be optimistic, smile and enjoy your life! Happiness is the key for an amazing hair!

Autor, Sursa

Autor: Andreea Ioana Colotin
Sursa: nespecificata


Cuvinte cheie

hair care, beauty, frumusete, par frumos



Data articol: 19 Jan 2011
Data adaugarii: 19 Jan 2011, ora 19:34
Ultima actualizare: 19 Jan 2011, ora 19:35
Vizualizari in ultimele 30 zile: 1641 din total vizualizari: 1641
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